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Ducks Unlimited Banquet - Fort Collins

I sponsored a table at the Fort Collins Ducks Unlimited Banquet this past Saturday and had a great time at the event!

As I've gotten more and more into hunting, the importance of community and conservation have also grown. If we want to continue enjoying these pastimes, we need to step up with strong conservation leaders like Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever. Education, outreach, and habitat projects are key to these foundations, and they've personally helped me grow my relationship with the outdoors. They provide mentors, events, gear, and access to land, while also working diligently behind the scenes working with biologists and migration experts to keep our favorite birds around for our enjoyment.

You can't be serious about hunting if you aren't serious about supporting the conservation community as well.

These events are a great way to support and give back, plus the perfect backdrop for networking with other like-minded individuals and hunters. I met a handful of people who want to help promote The Feminine Outdoors, as well as provide resources to me for getting more ladies out in the field and in the blind! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there are so many great men who are supporting and lifting women up in the hunting community. They are excited to see us involved and want us to continue to grow our love for the outdoors.

Thank you, DU, for a wonderful evening, and for your continued support! Can't wait to get after some ducks with you all next season!

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